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Krefeld International Piano Masterclass

Kawai held the Krefeld International Piano Masterclass for the 9th time in 2014. In cooperation with the beautifully located local music school, which provides all practice facilities and a brand new concert venue, this master class has become an internationally valued event. Over the last years, renowned piano Professors like Klaus Hellwig, Michell Béroff, Eugen […]

Display of Kawai Piano at Hamamatsu Station

Those who have ever visited Hamamatsu, the hometown of Kawai, by Shinkansen, Japanese bullet train, may have seen the display of Kawai product at Hamamatsu station. The displayed brands are periodically changed among some companies in Hamamatsu for their promotions. This time, Kawai‘s turn has come, and the newly designed display booth featuring well-known Kawai […]

“Pianist” Mikhail Pletnev Returns To The Stage

Since March 2013, Kawai has been supporting Mikhail Pletnev, a Russian maestro, for his concerts held at various places of the world. After the long time hiatus, he came back to the stage […]


Yoshiki, the leader and drummer/pianist of X Japan (one of the top Japanese hard rock bands), is known for his performance using Kawai’s Transparent Grand Piano. Not only the band activity but his talent as a musician who creates various kinds of music including […]

Ediția a XIV-a a Concursului Internațional “George Enescu”

Singura competiție de acest gen din România, recunoscută de forurile internaționale de specialitate, are loc în perioada 6 – 27 septembrie 2014 și se desfășoară la Ateneul Român și la Universitatea Națională de Muzică din Bucureşti

A Young Belarusian Pianist Playing on SK-EX Wins the 2nd Prize at The 3rd Takamatsu International Piano Competition

The 3rd Takamatsu International Piano Competition was held at Takamatsu city which is located in central Kagawa prefecture on the island of Shikoku in Japan from March 12th to 23rd, 2014.